Sunday, July 26, 2009

My first rejection letter!

Last weekend, I was bored, and hanging out on Twitter, and I saw that Tweet The Meat had open submissions. What have I got to lose? I asked myself, and in my boredom, I wrote up a quick 135 character long storylet and sent it in.

Not surprisingly, I had a rejection form letter in my e-mail a few days later. True to their word, Tweet The Meat's editors had read and responded to my tiny bit of fiction within 1 week. Their rejection was very politely worded and invited me to submit more fiction, and included what their upcoming theme was.

As you can tell, I'm not very broken up by this. It took me less than 5 minutes to embark on my first foray into micro-fiction, and that includes proof-reading and editing. It's like easing myself into the world of rejection letters. If I'm not overly attached to what's being rejected, I don't have to be hurt that they didn't accept it and I didn't earn $1, minus PayPal fees.

I'll talk more about my thoughts of micro-fiction in another post, and share some of the fiction-y Twitter feeds that I follow.


Net Daddy said...
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mermaiden said...

ok, huzzah to you for putting yourself out there and sumbitting :D

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in your short-short-short-shorts!

Anonymous said...

If you're into it, there are other paying and non-paying twitterzines out there, TTM is just the only horror exclusive one.

Paying ones include @nanoism, @thaumatrope, and @outshine, while non-paying include @7x20, @picfic, @escarp, and @seedpodpub. You should give them a try.

AJ said...

Thanks, Mermaiden! I've submitted my work to a couple of contests before, but they were the sort where they don't send rejection letters to the "losers."

Marilee, I'll dig my short-short-short-short out of my sent mail and include it when I do my follow-up post on micro fiction and twitterzines.

Speaking of which, thank you Anonymous for the list of other 'zines to check out! I already follow Thaumatrope, but I hadn't heard from the others. I'll check 'em out this week.